Ροή Ειδήσεων

Turkish mayor stepped with high heels on 2,000 years old mosaic


The high heels that have caused uproar in Turkey!

Uproar in Turkey, as thousands of Internet users are targeting the mayor of Gaziantep

The reason is that she ... dared to tread with her heels on an ancient mosaic!

Fatma Sahin and her staff stepped in a 2,000 years mosaic, recently brought to the surface by archaeologists, drawing the ire of the Turks, who started a "campaign" against her in the social media, because she did not respect the ancient monument.

The mosaic came to the light during excavations in the ancient city of Zeugma, in south-eastern Turkey, which was founded around 3000 BC by Greeks, later to become the headquarters of the Roman Legion.

In the city of Zeugma, have been found many mosaics with themes from Greek mythology: Ocean and Tethys, Daedalus and Icarus, Achilles at the court of King Lycomedes, Dionysus and Ariadne and also paintings, coins, seals and ceramic statues.

All archaeological remains were transferred to the Archaeological Museum of Gaziantep.

It is worth noting that Mrs. Sahin was a former Minister of Family and Social Policy and was elected mayor in the local elections in March by the ruling Justice and Development Party.