We are at point where things are manageable, says Alt. Migration Minister Mouzalas

We are at point where things are manageable, says Alt. Migration Minister Mouzalas

"We are at a point where things are manageable", noted Alternate Migration Policy Minister Yiannis Mouzalas referring to the migration and refugees crisis.

Addressing SYRIZA Congress on Saturday (15/10/2016), Mouzalas described the unprecedented and extremely difficult situation that experienced the country and the government had to solve.

Two months after the closing of the borders, where 60,000 people were trapped in Greece, we had recorded all those that were on our territory. 1 million people passed from Greece and 60,000 thousand are still here and we did not have a disease outbreak or an epidemic. We created hosting facilities for 50,000 people, some of them were bad but not all of them, and this has never happen before in such a short time, said Mouzalas and underlined "The children refugees are going to school, 30,000 children are starting to go to school and all of them have been vaccinated, they have food, drink and a place to sleep".

This happened because SYRIZA dealt with the problem in a political way and when a left party deals with a problem politically it does it in a different way than the previous (not left) governments, he said

"We have a plan as long as EU-Turkey agreement exists. It is not Mouzalas' agreement as the economic measures are not Tsakalotos' (Euclid, Finance Minister) measures but it was the best we could take. If someone disagrees he should suggest something else" noted Mouzalas.

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