Ροή Ειδήσεων

Pavlopoulos: “Very difficult to find the 180 MPs”

Νεφέλη Σκαρλίδου Νεφέλη Σκαρλίδου

Prokopis Pavlopoulos in the camera of BOMBTV

The former Minister of ND talks about everyone and everything. For the "marriage" of the New Democracy with PASOK, the possibility of cooperation with SYRIZA but for the much discussed bonus of 50 seats of the election law

The former Minister and MP of ND, defended the efforts of the Government of Samara for the country to emerge from the memoranda, but said that when Samaras took over the governance of the country should be "clear from the outset what were the commitments that had Greece against creditors."

Mr. Pavlopoulos talking to Costas Tsitounas emphasizes that "sometime, Mr. Samaras must ask for a committee of inquiry on how we got to the memorandum."

Referring to the possibility of cooperation with SYRIZA, he disagrees and points out that he will respect the will of the Greek people.

"There is no point of convergence with SYRIZA" he says, and does not hesitate to admit that the concentration of 180 Members is an extremely difficult task.

Finally defends the bonus of 50 seats for the first party, since he was his "architect": "If there was not this bonus then the country could not be governed."