Tsipras to SYRIZA Central Committee: Troika and memorandum are history

Tsipras to SYRIZA Central Committee: Troika and memorandum are history

"We are at the start of a great and difficult battle... We are not going to escape from our commitments" stated Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras speaking to SYRIZA's Central Committee on Saturday.

He referred to a turbulence in the first month of SYRIZA's governance noting that Greece is not Europe's pariah's any more that follows orders and only implements memorandums.

"The people feel that they regain their lost dignity. The humanitarian crisis is the main issue of the discussions.

We have made allies on international and European level in order to get rid of the self-fuelled crises. We said a lot of 'no' despite the unbearable pressures" noted Tsipras and reiterated that "the the troika and the memorandum are history".