SYRIZA Central Committee: MEP Papadimoulis urges compromise to avoid disastrous breakdown in talks

SYRIZA Central Committee: MEP Papadimoulis urges compromise to avoid disastrous breakdown in talks

Addressing the second day of SYRIZA's Central Committee meeting on the ongoing negotiations with Greece's creditors, SYRIZA MEP Dimitris Papadimoulis on Sunday called on the party to accept "difficult compromises" in order to reach an agreement and avoid a "disastrous" breakdown in the talks between Greece and its creditors.

Other speakers, such as Central Committee member Stathis Leoutsakos of the party's Left Platform, adopted a hardline stance, urging the government to "counterattack" with an alternative plan based on SYRIZA's pre-election pledges and a strongly leftist policy, including bank nationalisations, heavy taxation of the wealthy and fully restored labour and trade union rights.

Papadimoulis, on his part, warned that SYRIZA must prove itself equal to the occasion and stressed that the "deepest red line" was to keep the government and people standing, with SYRIZA united. He noted that a disastrous breakdown in the talks must be avoided at all costs, since it would lead to default, a "social regression" but also to SYRIZA's rapid downfall.

According to Papadimoulis, there were only two choices: the first was a difficult compromise and the second was a rift with the creditors and default. The second choice, he added, would be "anti-popular" and hit the lower and middle-income strata the hardest. It would also be contrary to the popular mandate and drag the Left back at least 50 years, he warned.