PM Tsipras: Only with respect to the international law we can live peacefully

PM Tsipras: Only with respect to the international law we can live peacefully

Only through cooperation, solidarity and respect to the international law and the international treaties as the Lausanne Treaty, we can live peacefully in the region of the Balkans, stated Greek prime Minister Alexis Tsipras after the end of the 2nd quadrilateral summit between Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia that is held in Belgrade.

"We have a new institution that is important for the common course of our countries and the Balkans' common prospect" Tsipras noted.

The Greek prime minister said that the cooperation of the four countries and the Bulgarian presidency is an opportunity to promote the common ideas and beliefs and to promote the 'Thessaloniki agenda' of 2003 on the future of the Balkans.

Tsipras referred to the need, in the next period, "to be more and more at the same table, the four of us and each one with its neighbour» adding "either easy or difficult, we are neighours, we must take the fates of our countries into own our hands".