"Tricks" of Venizelos with the electoral law

"Tricks" of Venizelos with the electoral law

Restores the scenario for removing the bonus of the 50 seats in the first party in order to save his party and stop the course of SYRIZA

The scenario of changing the electoral law is not something new. It was brought to the surface, by the eminent constitutional expert and partner of Prime Minister, Mr. Evangelos Venizelos. It was a proposal in order to put a barrier to the rise of SYRIZA. In fact the president of PASOK strongly supported that the change should take place before the local elections. As we pointed out in Newsbomb, the target of the governmental partners was to put a brake on rising of SYRIZA, virtually eliminating the bonus of 50 seats for the first party.

The proposal of Venizelos finally was not applied for other reasons. The basic reason was that it could be a boomerang at that time, since a change of the electoral law in this direction, enhancing the rates of small parties.

Now that SYRIZA has begun to take a clear lead, Mr. Venizelos returns to the change of the electoral law to rescue that has left by his party.

The PASOK's leader after persistent reports on the issue at the Nationwide Meeting of PASOK held Sunday sparked a new debate about the repealing bonus of 50 seats in the first party. The issue was also raised yesterday by Mr. Venizelos when exiting the Maximou, where he had a meeting with the Prime Minister.

"The framework agreement includes the issue of the electoral law. We do not want to deal with these issues coincidental, or to send the wrong messages. We need institutional solutions," said Mr. Venizelos equating his proposal with the elections for the President of the Republic.

According, however, to a top executive of the ND, this reference of Evangelos Venizelos is not random, since it is not impossible that Mr. Venizelos offered blankly support to a person chosen by the Prime Minister (for President of the Republic), in order ND to consent to the change of electoral law by this House.

This move, however, will not be accepted by SYRIZA, since a positive vote would mean the removal of the 50 seats if the party will come first. At present, Koumoundouros makes no comment, but it is assumed that they will attempt to halt the moves Venizelos, who promotes his political survival by institutional tricks.