Alleged Scandal of AKTOR Bobola in Skopje

The Greek construction company "Aktor" and the government of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, complains by the opposition of Skopje , on the occasion of the project for the highway Demir Capia-Smokvica. Speak even for a financial scandal of EUR 3.5 million and about money laundering from Greek citizens. A revealing story of Deutsche Welle.

The largest opposition party of Skopje, the Social Democratic Union (SDSM), through its representative Petre Silegkof complained the following movements:

"During the first ten days of the last months, are entering to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia some buses with Greek citizens, who are not involved with the construction of the specific highway. Instead, they are heading for the branch of Stopanska Banka in Negotino, they withdraw money from their bank accounts and they deliver them to the tax advisor of "Actor". Then these people depart for Greece. The Stopanska Banka is a subsidiary of National Bank of Greece. "

Mr.Silegkof has presented lists with the names of the Greeks and their bank accounts. "Here are the names of these Greek citizens who raise money each month in cash. Behold and their accounts, "he said.

The opposition spokesman also notes that: In less than a year have entered the country for this purpose, 96 Greek citizens. Nine of them have the same last name but a different name. Some of them entered the FYROM twice, some three times and some four times. These individuals are paid by the operator of motorway Actor, through its branch in Negotino Stopanska Banka, large amounts of cash, under contract. These people convert into euro the dinars receiving from the same bank.

Money "in some pockets"

Mr. Silegkof highlights that during of each payment, the accountant of the company Actor is present and, according to the information of DW, she takes the cash from those who make a withdrawal.

"The drawn amounts are around 20,000, 40,000 and 90,000 euros. It has been subscribed even the amount of 120,000 Euros. In this way, up to now they have taken 3.5 million in cash. Of the 32 million that deposited in the account of the Actor (ed by the government of FYROM) until February 3, were made withdrawals of € 3.5 million in the above way. If this rate continues, by taking the money earmarked for highway , from the total amount of 270 million that was secured for the construction of the project , over 30 million will end up in the pockets of some. In whose pockets Mr. Gruevski? Of Greeks, of Skopjans or both?"

Large cash withdrawals from Greeks

Mr. Silegkof has also asked Mr. Gruevski : "Who are these Greek citizens entering FYROM just to make cash withdrawals and then they are departing to Greece?"

"Where did that money and why? Who ordered the Anti-Money Laundering Authority of FYROM to stop the research on this issue, especially when it has become legal reference? "

The manager branch of Stopanska Banka in Negotino, in which the cash withdrawals were made, declared the withdrawals of large amounts - more than 15,000 euros -, which the Anti- Money Laundering Authority had to check because it was money to foreigners which was not declared that was transferred out of the country, claimed the opposition.

Government's response

"The fact that the country makes strategic infrastructure and creates new jobs, causes panic and hallucinations to the SDSM. As the SDSM has no arguments to criticize the government of VMRO - DPMNE, indulging in manipulation and the creation of an imaginary reality", said Elena Kouzmanofska by the ruling party VMRO - DPMNE Nikola Gruevski , in response to complaints of SDSM.

"During the period when the SDSM was in power of the country there were no strategic public investments. The period that the country is ruled by VMRO - DPMNE, investments are made. Not only highway Demir Capia - Smokvica but others, such as motorways Milantinovski - Stip and Kicevo - Ohrid, Provincial Skopje, the railway line to Bulgaria etc. "added Ms Kouzmanofska.

The ruling VMRO - DPMNE of Nikola Gruevski answering to the categories of the representative of SDSM, noted that the FYROM state institutions respect the laws of the country. "Mr. Silegkof should ask the company that won the competition, which has been approved by all relevant European institutions, where and how they spend the money , ie for the employees, to equipment , to machinery or to building materials . If they have doubts about the project , there is a way to indicate this to the institutions, which will act competently , "he said the VMRO-DPMNE.

The Minister of Finance of FYROM Zoran Stavreski, answering a journalist's question said that if the SDSM has information and data on what complains, then they should contact the Attorney General of the country.

What says the affiliate bank of National in Skopje?

Stopanska Banka, through its branch in Negotino in which became the "shady" - according to the opposition - cash withdrawals , told TV station in Skopje "24 Vesti": "H Stopanska Banka operates in accordance with the laws and procedures that laid down by the state. The disclosure of details of banking customers considered strict banking secrecy".

Source: Deutsche Welle, Reportage: Nick Fragkopoulos