New Supreme Court president aims to increase public confidence in the administration of Justice



The new president of the Supreme Court of Greece, Iosif Tsalaganidis, said in a statement on Wednesday that he will work hard to increase public confidence in the administration of justice.

In particular, Tsalaganidis noted in his statement: "I thank the government for doing me the honour of choosing me for the post of president of the Supreme Court. During my brief term in office I will endeavor, with the help of God, with wisdom and consensus, to raise the level of public confidence in the administration of justice. I will be pleased if, at the end of June 2020, the citizens feel closer to Justice."

On his part, the new Public Prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Vassilios Pliotas, said: "I will do my utmost to fully meet my duties and obligations for the good and prestige of Justice, but also of society itself and of the citizens."

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