Rain and thunderstorms forecast on Clean Monday


In Athens, overcast with scattered showers and thunderstoms, improving by afternoon.

Rain is forecast on Clean Monday (Kathari Deftera), with scattered thunderstorms in several areas of the country and snowfall at high elevations on the mainland.

Strong variable winds, registering 5 to 8 on the Beaufort scale. Temperatures from 00C (-03C in western Macedonia) to 16C.

In Athens, overcast with scattered showers and thunderstoms, improving by afternoon. Variable winds 4 to 5 on the Beaufort scale, initially, rising to 5 to 7 after midday. Temperatures from 06C to 15C.

In Thessaloniki, the same, with variable winds from 3 to 4 on the Beaufort scale, rising to 6 by night. Temperatures from 06C to 14C.

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