MH17: Reactions to Obama’s statement that Russia fails to co-operate


US President Barack Obama's statement that Russia does not co-operate with international experts investigating the crash of the Malaysian Boeing airliner is bewildering, spokesman for Russian Foreign Ministry Alexander Lukashevich said on Wednesday.

"First, this is Russia that was one of first countries producing its objective control data over the air crash at a recent media briefing of Russian Defense Ministry," he said, adding that "Besides, American side has not produced any facts, except for groundless accusations and data from social networks to the public."

As for direct co-operation, according to effective international rules of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Lukashevich said that Russia should first receive an official invitation from the international committee, that is to say from the Netherlands.

"This invitation was sent several days ago. After that we immediately appointed our representatives who immediately started working," the Russia Foreign Ministry's spokesman said.

Meanwhile, international experts were again unable to reach MH17 crash site due to ceaseless fighting that put the whole operation at stake.

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