In anticipation of the big revelation


All who are watching the excavations of the team of archaeologist, Mrs. Peristeris in Amphipolis, are waiting for the revelation of the identity of the dead.

After Mrs. Peristeris spoke yesterday, about a great Macedonian Tomb, there are many people who believe that we are in front of an archaeological discovery of great importance.

Work is progressing slowly on a daily basis, as the primary objective is the support of the tomb, while the continuation of the excavations is secondary.

Many people believe that that the team of Mrs. Peristeris is very close to the center of the burial monument and perhaps not long before the official announcements.

These estimations are based on graphics of artists who appreciate that the team of archaeologists will soon be at the center of the monument. There are three gates in the tomb and archaeologists estimate that is not excluded to find a fourth.

Such a monument could be erected only for a very important person. Many people refer to Alexander the Great but those who are actively involved in the excavation of Amphipolis are trying to stop this scenario. Mrs. Peristeris talked yesterday about Deinokratis, who was a technical advisor to the great commander, but no one still can speak with certainty. Especially the archaeologists in Amphipolis, avoid to make predictions, constantly.

They prefer to wait until the time of disclosure. And as far as looks, it will not be long...

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