Who "challenge" Karamanlis?


The last period, within the ND, is conducted an unorthodox war between known-unknown executives who continuously bring the debate on the former Prime Minister, Costas Karamanlis.

Ιt is indicative, that a few days before the anniversary of 40 years since the founding of the party, there are leaks in particular SMEs, sympathetic to the Maximou, which cultivate a "climate" against the former prime minister.

Obviously some people have chosen to put him in the picture of the electoral crash of ND as reflected in the latest polls.

And obviously some tremble with the idea that at some point C. Karamanlis could move to prevent the dissolution of ND, in which the current leadership leads the party.

Besides, it is true that he hears several advices from many members and officials, who visited him in political office in Panayi Kyriakou. So far only hears and suggests "patience and composure".

At the same time, the off-center parasitic "entities", within ND, are trying to entrap Karamanlis with false and baseless news.

It started with the leak on his candidature for the post of President of the Republic, although they knew very well his position; namely that - so as things - he is not interested.

They believed that in this way, if he rejected the proposal, then they could possibly put the blame on him for early elections.

If he accepted the proposal (and lose), they would consider him responsible for the defeat in the elections, since they would say that ND was defeated because people did not want him for a President!

Then they leaked that Karamanlis suggests starting earlier the procedure for electing the President, in order to clarify the foggy landscape.
What is the truth?

That former prime minister estimates that Samaras and Venizelos will eventually take such an initiative in order to escape from the dead ends. He never said that he has suggested this.

Also, according exclusive information:

• Samaras has decided to have Karamanlis and Dora in the ballots in the next elections, in order to put them in the picture of the electoral failure.

Have already started the leaks, in controlled media and journalists that the former prime minister says he will be a candidate, although such discussion with him has never took place!

Furthermore, they leaked about the visit, made on Friday Dim. Stamatis, on behalf of Samaras. The aim was to expose him.

According the same leaks, he was invited to attend in the event in Halkidiki, on the 40th Anniversary of New Democracy
Mr. C. Karamanlis has so far not responded, whether he will go.

So in friendly to Maxiou Media, has started an attack against Karamanlis. They want to force him to be present there, in order to make him partially responsible for the great defeat...

The attempts for head-on collision with Karamanlis will not stop here. And is very interesting, to see the way that he will answer ... when the time comes!

PS .: A "birdie", old and experienced in policy, told us:

Since in Halkidiki Mr. Molyviatis will be present, it would be interesting to release the letters exchanged in 1993 Samaras with the national leader Kon. Karamanlis.
It is an opportunity for the Greek people to learn finally the truth.

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