The "veto" of Antonis Samaras for Turkey's accession to the EU


Dynamic approach to the issue of the Cyprus EEZ, made Antonis Samaras yesterday, Thursday (10/23/2014) on Brussels, who asked our European partners to take a stand for the incredible challenges of Turkey.

The Greek prime minister, holding the map with the challenges of the Turks in the region, tried to explain in detail, the state which is formed around the island and asked his interlocutors to take a clear position in favor of Cyprus.

He also mentioned the situation in Ukraine, stressing that there the European partners acted directly and supported the sovereign rights of Ukrainians against Russian intentions. In this example, Antonis Samaras urged substantially the EU to take a directly stance in favor of Cyprus and to put a "bridle" on ... appetites of Turks.

The Greek premier aims even to freeze the accession of Turkey to the European Union, and in this context called for further measures to be taken and he brought "veto" in any attempt of the Turkish side to reach the EU.

It is worth noting that Antonis Samaras represented Cyprus after a personal request of President Nikos Anastasiadis who was unable to attend due to health problems.
What do USA and UN say and what is the attitude of Great Britain.

The Greek side fully supported Cyprus' positions, however, we expect the attitude of countries like England, which along with the United States have already an "open front" in the surrounding area and should keep a diplomatic attitude in both sides.
This of course involves also the Turkish side, which monitors what is happening in neighboring Syria, where the jihadists of the Islamic State is a breath away from its borders.

Nevertheless, Turkey so far has not helped the Kurds fighting in the Kompani, something that the British and the Americans do, so the relations of the countries are already in enough tension.

It seems clear, however, that there is no mood for another confrontation. The statements of the White House spokeswoman, Jennifer Psaki, are indicative of the intentions of the United States, since in a relative informing of journalists, replied diplomatically that the country wants the peaceful negotiations and fully supports the UN who was clearly in favor of opening talks between the two sides, with Ban Ki-moon to ask all involved, to help in this direction.

What did Samaras said for Greece:

Entering to the building of the EU in Brussels, Antonis Samaras said that Greece's goal is a "prudent exit to normality." Specifically, the Prime Minister made the following statement: "We are negotiating closely with our lenders for the next day after the end of the program, for a sensible exit to normality."

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