"Potami" party leader in favour of electing a new President

Νικόλαος Καλαμπάκας

The leader of "Potami" party Stavros Theodorakis suggested on Saturday that the current Parliament should come to agreement to elect a new President of the Republic and, in return for averting immediate general elections, the coalition government should commit itself to calling general elections at a later point in time during 2015, after the end of the summer season. Potami party is not represented in the Parliament, as it is a new political formation. In its premiere political appearance during the latest European Parliament elections, it managed to amass 6,60% of the votes in Greece and elect two MEPs.

In Theodorakis' view, as PM Antonis Samaras could not solve the country's problems and Government Vice President, Foreign Minister and PASOK party leader Evangelos Venizelos could not solve his party's internal problems, the election of a new President of the Republic was brought forward in time.

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