SYRIZA, ANEL submit proposal for investigative committee into bailout programmes


The parliamentary groups of main coalition partner SYRIZA and junior partner Independent Greeks (ANEL) submitted on Tuesday evening the proposal for a Parliamentary investigative committee to look into the events leading up to Greece's entry into bailout programmes and austerity memoranda.

The proposal is signed by 149 SYRIZA MPs, headed by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and 13 ANEL MPs, headed by party leader Panos Kammenos.

The Committee will be asked to examine issues which arose in the period between October 2009 and January 2015 and to "attribute responsibility where appropriate to the political protagonists of the period who decided the country's placement under guardianship and implemented specific policies which harmed public interest, damaged the Greek State and the country's economy and victimized the Greek people."

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