Productive Reconstruction Minister Lafazanis sends strong message on negotiations


An agreement with the European Union and the International Monetary Fund "must be in agreement with [majority coalition party] SYRIZA and the government's programme commitments, otherwise society will not progress," Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis said on Saturday in an interview in finance weekly "Agora".

He said nobody should be fooled by "a deluge of polls" trying to prove the Greek people are so terrified that they want an agreement at any cost, "ready to suffer any humiliation and to genuflect in the name of loyalty to the German Europe."

"Greece does not need new measures at the expense of working and lower-class strata, and additional neoliberal deregulations," Lafazanis said. "If the target of ruling circles in the EU and IMF is to have the historic Greek Left get its hands 'dirty' in an agreement of anti-labour and neoliberal morass in order to strangulate any leftist prospect for the next decades in Greece and Europe, they are knocking on the wrong door," he warned. "SYRIZA is not a test tube for dirty schemes of slandering and tarnishing of leftist ideas and visions."

Greece, he said, has "multiple alternative solutions" to offer instead of another form of continuity of memorandum policies, but "Europe has no prospects if it shoves Greece to the margins and 'isolation' in the name of neoliberal orthodoxy and antileftist psychoses."

Lafazanis reiterated that "our government will not sign an agreement that cancels out our programme or the vision of a new, independent and progressive Greece which will leave behind subservience and tyrannical guardianship."

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