Dragasakis proposes 'refounding' process for SYRIZA


Addressing Thursday's meeting of SYRIZA's Central Committee, government Vice-President Yiannis Dragasakis proposed a process for refounding the party, adding that "parties within the party" had been allowed to operate unchecked until now.

"We will reap what we have sown," he told members and said blame should not only be directed at those who had handled the negotiations for their failure, but also the "theoretical mistakes and premises" that had been proved wrong, such as the belief that the threat of a rift and EU break-up would cause a huge upheaval to markets and the eurozone.

He stressed that the government had been the target of "asymmetric warfare" that used the flight of deposits as its chief weapon, while he did not conceal the fact that the government had serious concerns about whether, in the case of a rupture, it would be able to finance imports of absolutely essential goods.

He said that SYRIZA must discuss the events of its five-month term in government while stressing that "if we return to the opposition, we will never have the chance to test our strength and our endurance."

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