Tsipras: Hard efforts to find a solution on Cyprus


The Geneva conference will resume on Wednesday (18/01/2017) on a technical diplomatic level. The Greek government is in close contact with Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said during his speech at the Parliament.

He spoke of harsh and painstaking efforts to find a solution for the benefit of the entire Cypriot people, without guarantees and the withdrawal of the Turkish occupation troops from Cyprus.

"We tried to create a climate of understanding both inside and outside the country," the prime minister said, noting the constructive role that Greece played in the negotiations, "without retreating from our fair positions."

He stressed that although the solution is not yet apparent, important progress has been made since maps were exchanged for the first time. He added that although differences still remain, the issues of guarantees and security issues were for the first time on the agenda and this is considered to be a great diplomatic success. The Greek prime minister also noted the active role of the EU, which is also a positive development.

"We continue without excessive optimism, but with prudency and with a low profile, without obsessions and fears, and I hope that we will have positive developments in this crucial issue," he said.

Tsipras stressed the importance of the stance of the other side, especially Turkey, adding that that it should put aside the aggressive rhetoric and work seriously and responsibly.

"We will always be on the side of the Cyprus people in order to find a fair solution within the framework of the UN decisions and the status of Cyprus as an EU member state," the prime minister stressed.

Source: ana-mpa

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