Athens Newspapers Headlines (04/04/2019)


The Thursday edition of Athens dailies at a glance.

DIΜΟΚRΑΤΙΑ: No rent allowance to students

ΕTHΝΟS: Favourable changes for workers in the public and private sector

ΕLEFTHEROS TYPOS: Changes on the law for illegal next to the sea buildings

ΕSΤΙΑ: Cosco travelling to Lebanese ports

EFIMERIDA TON SYNTAKTON: Michaloliakos' testimony

ΤΑ ΝΕΑ: Pappas' testimony on Manolo

KATHIMERINI: After Cosco, a new fiasco with ELPE

RIZOSPASTIS: A great achievement in the fight for the workers' interests

AVGHI: Fake news

ΤΟ PΟΝΤΙΚΙ: Big patient, dangerous neighbour

VOICE FIMANCE & MARKETS: Morgan Stanley to upgrade Greek stocks in May

Source: ana-mpa

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