Greeks gave us a strong 4-year mandate, Defence Min Kammenos says

Greeks gave us a strong 4-year mandate, Defence Min Kammenos says

"Citizens are our first priority as they have exhausted their limits after five years".

It is time for hard work so that we can get out of the crisis, the unemployed to find jobs, to restore the income of the uniformed, our children to return to Greece, the small and medium sized enterprises to open again and for the return of the growth," Independent Greeks (ANEL) leader and Defence Minister Panos Kammenos said on Wednesday after the swear in of the new government.

"The Greek people gave us a strong mandate for four-year tenure; we are better prepared compared to January and without problems we can work together with all Greeks in a government of national consensus, in a government that wants to unite the Greeks and the country's powers," he added.