Mostly fair weather on Tuesday

Mostly fair weather on Tuesday

Generally clear weather and thunderstorms on Tuesday.

Poor visibility in the morning

Detailed forecast
Macedonia , Thrace
Weather : Generally clear and cloudy
temperature : 3-20C

Ionian Islands , Epirus , solid western , western Peloponnese
Weather: Clear and thunderstorms. Poor visibility in the morning .
temperature : 7-22C

Thessaly , eastern solids , Evia , eastern Peloponnese
Weather: Clear
temperature : 3-22C

Cyclades , Crete
Weather : Generally clear. Clouds in Crete
temperature : 11-20C

Eastern Aegean Islands , Dodecanese
Weather : Generally clear
temperature : 10-29C

Weather : Generally clear
temperature : 6-21C

Weather : Clear and generally
temperature : 9-20C