Partly cloudy weather with afternoon showers forecast on Monday (22/04/2019)

Partly cloudy weather with afternoon showers forecast on Monday (22/04/2019)

Partly cloudy weather leading to showers and storms from the afternoon is forecast in most parts of Greece on Monday.

Winds will blow from east, southeasterly directions in the west, 3-5 Beaufort, and northeasterly directions in the east, from 4-6 Beaufort. Temperatures will range between 5-20C in the north, 8-21C in the west, 6-21C on the eastern mainland and Evia and 10-18C for the islands of the Aegean.

Partly cloudy in Attica, with showers in the evening, temperatures from 7C to 20C. Sunny start in Thessaloniki, clouding over during the day and temperatures between 8C and 19C.

Source: ana-mpa

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